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Convenient for each bakery activity

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Add flavours and crust to your products
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Beautiful for eyes and tasty in mouth
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Baking sales point
Optimize your production flow.
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Snacking baking corner
Develop your snack sales
100% Made in France

1979 : The idea

Pierre Lancelot has been an aeronautical engineer for several years. One day, who knows why, the idea of relying on his training and skills in aeraulics to apply them to the field of baking in bakery was born. From the propeller to the turbine, from the penetration into the air to the hot air flowing around the breads, it is undeniably a step that we must dare to take. His competence in air conditioning and his audacious character are assets that characterize him and will make him a talented entrepreneur. Understanding, Daring, Innovating, and Entrepreneurship to accompany and revolutionize the art of cooking are the verbs that have accompanied Pierre all his life.
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October 13, 1980: the birth

Eurofours is a name that owes nothing to chance. Pierre has already seen far ahead, and has integrated the term "oven" with that of Europe. At the same time "in the oven and in the mill", Pierre Lancelot carries out all the jobs. He goes from designer to assembler, from accountant to deliveryman. Each oven is delivered with his family car, securely wedged in the trunk. He meets all his customers, shares their trade and their values with them. Professionalism and friendliness go hand in hand, and the concern for perfection goes hand in hand with customer satisfaction. A happy time.
At the heart of the design

It is in Gommegnies his native village in the north of France-that he launches himself into adventure. In the barn adjoining the family home he designs from a to Z a previously unreleased equipment: an electric ventilated furnace. After many searches and technical adjustments, dubbed by hundreds of firings to satisfy the "Baker" the prototype is completed and becomes a marketable model. The furnace is compact, & powerful. The temperature, the mist and the air flow perfectly controlled. He equips his first "hot spot" in Belgium.

  • First ventilated Oven 1980
1990s: opening up to the world

The commercial success is there. The Eurofours brand became a reference in the bakery and pastry industry as regards ventilated ovens. The company develops. It becomes industrialized. New buildings and production lines support its growth. It is far from the family barn which has found its original vocation. Later, a series of acquisitions consolidates Eurofours in the field of bakery, representing almost 2 centuries of accumulated experience:
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Partners in countries

Today and tomorrow

Stéphane and Nicolas Lancelot took over from the founding father, at the head of a company with 180 employees in 2008. Eurofours has remained a family company. Pierre passed away in 2010. The Eurofours spirit endures and remains timelessly linked to its founder.

"At Eurofours, convection ovens are part of our history. They are our roots, our present and our future. This is why we have been a leader for almost 40 years. Our philosophy revolves around two simple ideas: to preserve our historical industrial know-how and to develop innovative features that meet our customers' expectations."
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Satisfied Customers

Loyal customers

Manufacturing proving equipment
Corporate Office and manufacturing showcases
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Manufacturing ovens
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Our latest news


Vous l'attendiez, il est arrivé ! le nouveau four à soles Pierre EVO est disponible des à présent.

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Sirha Exhibition - EUROEXPO LYON

Retrouvez-nous sur notre stand à l'occasion du prochain SIRHA LYON

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COUPE DU MONDE - LA FRANCE championne du monde de la boulangerie

16 ans que nous l'attendions, ils l'ont fait ! Félicitations à Mr FABIEN NOLAY, XAVIER SACRISTE, FRANCK FORTIER et sans oublier leur coach Mr Grégoire BARDET Toujours une immense fierté pour nous de pouvoir accompagner cette compétition depuis plus de 30 ans. Pour nous ces ......

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New fermentation cabinets

La date est officielle !!! Profitez dès le 1er janvier 2021 de notre nouvelle gamme d’armoires de fermentation !

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Great works 2020!

That's it! We are starting to make clean room in our workshops in La Longueville (59, North) for the arrival of new production equipment that you will soon see! We will give you regular updates on this construction site, which will last several weeks until the inauguration! ...

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